Berg's Bites

Michael Berg
Shaker Heights Youth Hockey Coordinator Michael Berg has been coaching or playing hockey for more than 50 years. His hockey career began as a player at Shaker. In addition to coaching hockey, he coaches baseball and football. Over his career, he has accumulated a wealth of knowledge about both hockey player development and youth sports. He currently holds a USA Hockey Level 5 certification.
On this page, Coach Berg will share information and insight useful to SYHA parents and players for their journey through youth hockey.
September 9th, 2024
This week, I have an interesting article from Greg Berge. He is a well-known speaker and author on several topics including coaching, leadership and culture. In this article he talks about sports parents watching from the stands.
July 29th, 2024
This week, I am linking to another article from USA Hockey about the Neck Guard requirement which begins on August 1st.
July 22, 2024
I spent a week recently in Milwaukee, WI at a USA Hockey Conference. There were over 300 Youth Hockey Director’s from all over North America. Roger Grillo who is Director of Player Development for USA Hockey spoke about skill development and how the game is ever-changing. One of the topics that we discussed was one hand or two hands on the stick. This article gives you great insight on why USA Hockey is teaching one hand on the stick and when you want to use two hands. Enjoy the read!
July 15, 2024
I recently attended a national hockey coordinator convention in Milwaukee. One of the big points of emphasis was helmet and facemask certification. New studies have shown how important these certifications are for helping prevent concussions and other head injuries.
With this in mind, ALL SYHA players and coaches must have a helmet and facemask with a current certification for this season. I will be checking all helmets prior to the start of practices on 8/17. No one will be allowed on the ice without a properly certified helmet and facemask.
Here is an FAQ from the Hockey Equipment Certification Council on this topic:
Contact me with any questions.
July 8, 2024
This week's Berg's Bite is a reminder that all SYHA players must wear a neck guard for all practices and games beginning August 1, 2024.
This article talks about the requirement and why is is being put in place by USA Hockey.
July 1, 2024
Parent behavior at youth sporting events - particularly rec league events has been a hot-button topic for a long time.
Hear from Topher Scott of the Hockey Think Tank about his perspective and how you can help your player, your team, and your organization.
June 3, 2024
This week's Berg's Bite is courtesy of the Hockey Think Tank. The Hockey Think Tank is a website run by Topher Scott, a former Division I hockey player and coach.
This week's topic is team placement and how to view and approach it from a parent's perspective.